Ruby on Rails LiveCD Author Looks for Suggestions

The author of the upcoming LiveCD that is poised to make installing Ruby on Rails for Linux users easier then ever is taking suggistions for what else to pack onto his CD before launch.

You can check out the RailsLiveCD site to find out when it will go live! It currently has the following on it already:

jEdit, RadRails, Subversion, MySQL, PostgreSql, SQLite and a lot of the useful gems already installed.

You can contact Brian Ketelson the creator with your suggestions through the

Ruby vs PHP Syntax Examples

I was mulling through some old code I had done on a drupal PHP based project a year ago and thought it might be interesting to show a few examples of syntax differences of basic PHP and Ruby one liners.

I only did around 15 of them but feel free to add your own in the comments if you have any that show off clear syntax differences between Ruby and PHP. You be the judge of course.

Examples of Ruby Syntax vs PHP

Blogging and Creative Commons

Recently I posted a cheatsheet to this blog which was essentially a mirror with highlighting and some changes to a reference out there on the web already. It turned out that that site, NanoRails, was not the original author but infact Jens-Christian Fischer from was. I'd never seen or heard of Jens-Christiansens before until I got an email asking for correct attribution as the original author and to include the Creative Common License. Both of these things are now part of the article.

Ruby on Rails Printer Friendly PDF Cheatsheet

There were enough requests to warrant creating a print friendly Cheat Sheet from this Ruby on Rails Cheat Sheet article here.
So without further adou here is the first intallment with more to come of the Ruby on Rails Blog downloadable cheatsheets:

Download Link

Download Rails Cheatsheet Version 1, Oct 5 2006

10 Reasons to Hire Mike Pence

Mike Pence, a friend of Ruby on Rails blog and founder of Laszlo on Rails (a very innovative project) has taken an interesting and might I even say novel approach to market his development and software engineering skills.

Those firms and businesses looking for new talent, make sure you check out 10 Reasons to Hire Mike Pence and get this guy on your team.

Ruby on Rails Cheat Sheet Collectors Edition

This Ruby on Rails cheat sheet is a reference guide for that will be continuosly updated and improved as new features are added to rails and new cheat sheet tips are added to the guide. It is a collection from the one of the very best guides, apis and source snippets that are concise that i’ve found. I’ve fixed errors and added highlighting to it and it is a mirror of the one found on nanorails site plus my own changes. New updates will be posted to this post under Recent Updates.